I wanted to reach out to my clients and friends and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving
It has been a tough year, and I doubt that we are through it all yet. That said, it’s been great staying in touch with so many of you and seeing your resilience (and that of your organization and employees). Watching so many of you shifting to this new norm, not just holding your own, but adding new staff and seeing your business grow. I find it funny to think back on conversations, with clients, a year ago, who were talking about how they could never let people work from home. Many of you quickly adapted not just technology wise, but to the whole concept of having people work remotely, to actually being innovative enough to make it happen. Being a small part of that and watching it happen has been extremely encouraging. Keep up the great work.
Let me take this moment to say Thank You for your continued business, for your support and friendship. So many of you are much more than “just clients” and I always look forward to and enjoy the time are able to work together.
As we enter into this Thanksgiving weekend, in a way we would never have thought imaginable (dinner for 2 or 4?), remember that together or apart, we have a lot to be thankful for. It may not always be obvious, we may not always be together with the ones we love, but being healthy, living in this great country and being able to do what we do is a great gift worth remembering.
Happy Thanksgiving