Recent legal cases have made many employment agreements null and void. It may be time for you to update yours and if you don’t have them in place, implement them now.
In order to help with this process Mainstay Insurance makes ConnectsUs HR available to all our clients at no charge. They have made changes to their employment agreements in consideration of the Waksdale case. If you’re already signed up, log in and find out more here. If you’re a Mainstay clients and not currently signed up, give me a call and we’ll get you set up.
If you’re looking for more on the case, see below
At this point, we’re all likely familiar with the Waksdale v Swegon North America Inc., 2020 ONCA 391 (Waksdale) case, in which the Ontario Court of Appeal held that termination clauses in Ontario employment agreements are read as a whole.
On January 14, the Supreme Court of Canada denied an application to appeal the Ontario Court of Appeal decision.