Employers are always looking for HR advice around tricky issues and Laura Williams and her firm are great at sharing through events like the one below. We help sponsor some events (through the association I run – CGIB.ca) and share others, like this one, that may be of interest. Please feel free to register for those that are of interest through the links below. They are free of charge, and how often do you hear lawyers and free in the same sentence? 🙂
This fall, due to popular demand, the Williams HR Law team will be putting on a series of three free one-hour webinars, focusing on “hot spots” that we have identified as the most challenging and particularly pressing for employers as they navigate “The New World of Work”.
Register here to join us from 12-1 pm on September 30, October 28 and November 25!
The first webinar, on September 30, focuses on the “hottest topic” in HR law today: COVID-19 vaccination and testing policies. While the general strategies we will discuss during the webinar will help all employers, we recognize that many organizations require customized guidance and support with their efforts to develop return-to-work and vaccination strategies and policy development. We are currently supporting many of our clients with those efforts and would be pleased to support your organization as well. Please reach out to one of our lawyers for assistance.