If you’re an Ontario employer, it only takes a few minutes see if you meet the legal requirements that apply to most workplaces in Ontario.
Do you have the following in place?
Harassment Prevention Policy and Training (Required under OHSA) |
Violence Prevention Policy and Training (Required under OHSA) |
Health and Safety Policy and Training (Required under OHSA) |
AODA — mandated Policies and Training (Required under AODA) |
Copy of the Occupational Health and Safety Act available in workplace. |
Poster: “Health & Safety at Work: Prevention Starts Here” posted in your workplace. |
Employment Standards Poster posted in your workplace. |
Joint Health and Safety Committee (if your organization employs 20 or more employees) formed and trained. |
Health and Safety Representative (if your organization employs more than 5 but less than 20 employees) selected and trained. |
Disconnecting from Work Policy (required under ESA if your organization employs more than 25 employees) |
Electronic Monitoring Policy (required under ESA if your organization employs more than 25 employees) |
Pay Equity Plan (required if private sector organization with 10+ employees and if public sector organization) |
* This list is non-exhaustive and applies to provincially-regulated employers.