These Are The 10 Biggest Mistakes Employers Make (at termination)

Howard Levitt always has something interesting to say.  He has appeared in more employment law cases in the Supreme Court of Canada and at more provincial Courts of Appeal than any lawyer in Canadian history.

The article below has some great general advice for employers dealing with terminations…

From offering too much to offering too little, these are the traps employers fall into time and time again

What are the biggest mistakes employers make? I could write five columns on this, and come up with a different Top 10 in each. But let’s pick a few:

1) Being too generous with your initial severance offer

2) Being too litigation averse

3) Offering too little

4) Relying on severance formulas

5) Wasting legal resources

6) Condoning misconduct

7) Hiring outside investigators

8) Playing favourites

9) Inadequate research

10) Not reviewing your employment contracts